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a little more about me

the gist: a girl seeking balance in the midst of the unpredictability of life.


yoga and pilates have been a transformative part of my life, both physically and emotionally, and my gratitude for these practices has manifested as a personal mission to share these tools with as many as will receive.


more on my own journey below. if you think we could be a good match for exploring modes of bodywork, please reach out. movement, stillness, breath - let's flow with purpose.

who i am

i am a florida native, but a mountain girl at heart. i hold a deep respect for earth and animals, in awe of all that I can learn from both. i believe that all living things have value, and i will never tire of breathing in every cloud, sunrise, tree, flower, bumblebee, and creature.

i am always looking to access new parts of myself and release identities. embodiment, non-attachment, and growth are all so important to me, especially as a guide, and i am learning to approach my life as an artwork-in-progress, which is poured into the experiences i help to create for others.

i hold myself accountable to a set of values that prioritize gratitude and respect. my superpower is my ability to understand and empathize with others.

in my down time, you'll find me hiking, kayaking, foraging; at a yoga or pilates class; and spending all the time with my husband, his son, and our sweetest bunny Melvin.​



what i'm about

yoga, pilates, and the in-between

my yoga journey began at a time when i was looking to quiet a lot of emotional noise and figure out how to stop being so anxious and victimized all the time. exercise was not at all a part of my life, so when i found yoga, i appreciated exploring movement in a way that felt welcoming, accessible, enjoyable. as i continued to traverse the landscape of yoga and embrace it as a lifestyle, the changes in my body took root on a much deeper level. through self-reflection and somatic work, i have been able to see that i have autonomy over my reactions to life and that much of my suffering is perceived. through awareness, stillness, and breath, i began to unravel layer by layer and access a sense of fulfillment and peace.


(brief pause for my love letter to yoga:

yoga completely changed my life, on a cellular and permanent level. i am a better person for it, both to myself and to the world. it has gifted me purpose and perspective. it is an outward expression of inward shift. it provides space to ground, to find expansion, to return home to breath and self. it allows the mind to still and the body to open, unbound by any need for an outcome. it’s sitting with discomfort and making a conscious decision to create openings from sticky sensations. it’s letting go of "should" and surrendering to an unknown process, trusting that it will carry you every step of the way. it is a practice of awareness, presence, intention. and it’s exactly that - a practice. there’s no finish line, no end goal. it’s a daily check-in, an opportunity to see where you're being asked to grow yesterday vs today vs tomorrow. it’s commitment and purposefulness, never perfection. and how beautifully freeing that is!)


pilates came into my life roughly two years after yoga. though there are definite differences in the methods of movement, there is much overlap in the mind-body approach, with a large emphasis on body and breath awareness. through pilates, i have learned the incredible intricacies of how the body operates and compensates, and how to move in safe and healthy ways that extend far beyond a 50-minute class.


both practices have enhanced my experience and embodiment of the other. over time, and with consistent work, i have come to understand the value of movement and the value of stillness. by slowly shifting habits and mindset, making a daily commitment to the process, and remaining open-minded to whatever shows up each day, i have learned how to listen for cues from my body so that I can honor what is needed to find balance (read: freedom).

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let's chat

thanks so much for reaching out. i'll be in touch!

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